Friday, April 12, 2019

New Social Media Accounts!

Hello Orchid Lovers!

In order to improve our outreach, we will be retiring this account in favor of Facebook, as it is a more popular social media option.

Our pages on Facebook are public, allowing anybody the ability to view them with or without a Facebook account.

Our calendar of events may now be found here.

Like us on Facebook: Greater Philadelphia Orchid Society

Join our public discussion group (Facebook account required): Greater Philadelphia Orchid Society Group

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Due to a scheduling conflict the speaker and topic for the November 29th meeting will be President Paul Sheetz - Paph anitum and it's hybrids - in Classroom 2 at 7:45pm. Ed Weber will present That was then... This is now... in December. 

November Monthly Meeting - Thursday, November 15th, 2018
(NOTE: THIRD Thursday this month)

We will meet in Classroom #2. Enter Cathedral Village through the sliding glass doors opposite our normal meeting space. Proceed straight back past the stairs and fountains and down the hallway. Classroom #2 is directly ahead.

Speaker: Ed Weber
Topic: That was then... This is now
Summary: Ed will examine how the hobby of orchids has evolved over the past 100 years by using AOS award photos to compare old awards with new awards.

Details: By comparing similar awards that were given many years apart, Ed intends to demonstrate how the hobby of orchid growing has improved vastly over the past century. What many people would have considered a high award as little as 20 years ago would now, most likely, not even be considered award-worthy. Ed will examine orchids from several different genera in all award categories.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

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